I think we took full use of the cameras ability, we wanted to make our recreation look as proffesional as possible, one way in which we did this was by using a tripod for each scene and camera level, this ensured there was no amature camera shaking, as it is impossible to keep a straight hand if holding the camera to take a shot. When making our peice, we spent lots of time making sure our shot was framed appropriately, making sure that each shot was as close to the original as possible, another way we did this was by making our storyboard as detailed as possible. When decided which 30-40 seconds to recreate, we decided to use a clip that showed a variety of shot types, this way we could show our full ability in our peice.
I beleive that our editing definitely showed our use of continuity, as we took this into concideration strongly when creating our peice, making sure that we remembered both the 30 degree and the 180 degree rule. In the editing process we spent alot of time peicing our shots together precisely so our peice went together as smooth as possible.
The character in our clip used no major props or make up, yet we still had decisions to make when decided what our actor was going to look like, we decided to go for a casual teenage boy look. When decided a house for our peice, we chose the perfect place to shoot, an old fashioned seventies style house, which I beleive gave more of a haunted ghostly effect than either mine or Ewans house, which would be much more modern and not have the same effect. When choosing our actor, we chose very appropriatly as our actor had past experience in acting, and we beleived this would be very rewarding for our peice.
Looking back on our peice, I beleive that maybe we could of chose a more advanced clip, as maybe we were to conscious of picking something that was easy to film, If I was to ever do this again, I beleive I would choose something that could maybe show my ability more.
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