Thursday, 11 November 2010

Ewans Evaluation

1. Use of The Camera

The camera was used with skill during filiming, no shots were shaky, and we managed to frame every shot decently enough. We used a variety of shot types, though no real close ups, and we remembered to white balance and focus each and every shot.

2. Use Of Editing.

Following the rules of continuity, all the shots flow together to look like one smooth sequence. It all flows better than I thought it would. (I couldnt be there during editing) but when watching it back, it was done brilliantly, and the use of sound really helped add the feeling of tension.

3. Selection of content.

In fairness the sequence we chose didnt involve any need for makeup, just one average looking teenager. Nor did we need any props. As for location, we talked about a few houses, but settled on an elderly relatives to give it an older creepy feel.

4. Self Assessment.

To be perfectly honest, I was Ill during a lot of the planning and away during editing for family reasons so I didnt have much of a hand in planning. I did draft an early storyboard for a sequence we didnt use, and during filimg, set up the camera and framed a few shots. I dont really think Id change much about the finished film, other than find somewhere without yellow walls. That killed the tension about. When it comes to our actually film aswell, I plan to be there for all of it.

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