Wednesday, 5 January 2011

This is a rough outline we jotted down before starting on the scrpit.

  • Starts off, camera moving through the house, heading upstairs. Titles show up around house.
  • Get to bedroom, see dave in bed tossing and turning. Picture of him and Ellie on bedside table.
  • In black and white (this a dream) Dreamdave at a gravestone lying flowes by grave. There is a picture of Ellie also by this grave.
  • Dreamdave closes his eyes, and we hear a car screeching.
  • Dreamdave looks up off camera. We don't see what he's looking at.
  • Back in bedroom Dave tosses and turns.
  • Dreamdave sees creepy Ellie standing in the distance under arch.In seconds she's gone again.
  • Dreamdave gets up to go to where Creepy Ellie was, and she appears behind him. This is when the audience get a proper look at her, all straggly and creepy and dead.
  • Dreamdave turns to run through the graveyard, not looking back.
  • Dave in bed tosses and turns more vigourously than before.
  • We see a car zoom down a road.
  • Dreamdave keeps running
  • We see a ball bounce onto the road.
  • Dave in bed tosses and turns.
  • Dreamdave stumbles and falls over.
  • We see normal Ellie, walking into the middle of the road to pick up the ball. The car is seen in the distance.
  • Creepy Ellie stands over Dreamdave. Mute. Expresionless.
  • We see car come closer to normal Ellie.
  • As Dave jerks awake in bed, we hear the echo of a car screeching.
Thats it at the moment. We'll put up the finsished script before Friday.

Matt And Ewan.

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